Spices for Depression
When you are depressed, you cannot, for example, "get out of the house and do stuff." You are incapacitated by your condition. We are not talking here about - "Oh, I'm a bit depressed today I'll take another vitamin." - From an online discussion this morning.
I've experienced this form for depression for multiple extended periods. I'm not talking about vitamin pills, I'm talking about wholesome good food with added raw vitamins and an old fashioned all natural village lifestyle. I've had depression since childhood and fair share of therapists and prescriptions. They don't work for everybody. It is one of the reasons why I co-founded Bex Herbal with my sister.
I spent a lot of time in India and other places with a lot of natural remedies. I found a spice blend that works for me and according to my family and friends I've made leaps and bounds. I even cracked the Holy Grail Da Vinci Code thing and wrote an encyclopedia size book with photos on it, recently published. I don't know how else to explain what i'm saying about spices unless you try it. I researched all the active ingredients and there are hundreds of clinical studies stating they work.
Spices will cure or treat most illnesses and ailments, including many forms of depression, mainly because they are natural unprocessed concentrated vitamins and minerals Many people with depression and many common ailments simply lack enough vitamins and minerals in their diet. Most prescription drugs, including antidepressants, and non-prescription including vitamin pills, are synthetic versions of the spices used in BexHerbal. Companies create synthetic versions, because natural remedies cannot be patented and can’t make as much profit.
It is the same with flu immunizations, why do you think they keep changing formula? Answer: So you keep buying their drugs instead of good food and a healthy lifestyle for your family and you. The synthetic lifestyle is what is making you ill and depressed in most cases in the first place. When you have to buy a drug to cure the side effects of another drug for a disease cause by synthetic chemicals, such as depression, flu and chemotherapy, that is not right.
The long term goal is to make life your cognitive therapy. Eating good food; getting out of situations that make you feel Get out of the city and live in a village where neighbors are really your friends and not just some people you wave to on occasion.
Therapists can be useful in recognizing symptoms and helping you wrap your head around it. But if they start prescribing synthetic drugs and endless therapy, ask them for natural and self help alternatives and stay firm on it. Break yourself out of the Victim Box that others have put you in and fight for yourself, it is the first layer of curing depression or any illness.
Stay away from things that can program you to feel depressed, such as the Internet and TV, except this blog of course;-) Turn off the screen and put away your smart phone. Or only use the phone to re-connect with your friends and family. Work is different of course. If you want culture go to a museum or concert or live theatre or festival where you can interact with real people in real life. Step away from brainwashing and get out of your own jail or as my sister puts it "Come down from your tower". It takes energy, and sometimes painkillers and allergy relief, and that’s just some of what the vitamin concentrates in Bex Herbal spice blends give you.
Bonus Tip 1
If you don’t take other drugs and you need a glass of wine in the afternoon to calm the nerves or make yourself relax that's OK. You are not an alcoholic for one or two glasses, no more, of wine or shots of whiskey a day. If anybody says otherwise they are trying to put you back in the Victim Box to make you feel bad about yourself and yet more depressed. Tell those people very clearly to “f… off” Including your therapist if need be.
Bonus Tip 2
Practice being nice to people. Depression can make you snippy, make yourself snap out of it. Smile, say “Hi, how are you”? Talk about the weather or news headlines or local happening or let them talk. Make yourself make conversation. Make and distribute some belated Christmas and Birthday cards. By doing things as if you are not depressed or ill it puts you in the mindset of not being ill or depressed. People will notice your efforts. Plus making greeting cards is messy fun therapy.
Spice and tea blends and some blogging at http://www.bexherbal.com
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